Vacation Fun


Today’s featured project is from creative team member MIranda Webber. It’s a 12x12 layout documenting an outdoor adventure.

MIranda used a combination of new and old pieces. The Let's Getaway is from last year's collection for summer vacation.

The “vacation” and “explore” acrylics are from the “Adventure” set which was an add-on shop item released in April.

Share your adventure layouts made with our Color Cast Designs products on social media by tagging @colorcastdesigns or including our hashtag #colorcastdesigns in your post. If you tag us, we may feature you in our IG stories. There is also the option of joining our private Facebook group if you’d like a more casual vibe. Click here to join the Color Cast Designs fan page.

Happy crafting,



Working with the “Adventure is Out There” Acrylic


The Story of a Getaway