Fantastic Weekend Stories with Guest Designer Nolana Lynch

Hi Everyone,

Nolana here with another guest design for the month of August.

I bought these super cute Mama and Mini sweaters for my Mini and I and I've been wanting to take pictures of us together in the sweaters for the longest while and finally made it happen! So this definitely calls for a spread!

The blues of the acrylic elements were FANTASTIC to document our trips to the park and matched perfectly with our blue and white sweaters. I also liked that there was a bit of nature in our pictures so I took this opportunity to pair the acrylic pieces with the wood pieces!

I ADORE this wooden tree tag so much! So I just had to use it and of course - put some twine in it!

I also added another wood veneer piece to the top to frame the top left corner of the picture.

For the right hand side of the spread, I clustered two August wooden circles - I really love that I could use "bring on the sunshine" all times of the year and even in winter here in Queensland!

The plus signs are a favourite of mine and I enjoyed adding them in a staggered manner. I also used them to signify more of this- more outdoor adventures, more having fun, and more seeking our every day joy!

It was so very lovely being a guest designer this month! I do hope you've enjoyed my spreads - you are welcome to reach out with any questions or comments you have - I'd love to connect with you.

Take care,


Click here to connect with Nolana on Instagram.


Standout Acrylic Title Tip


A Design Idea for Documenting the Little Things