We Say, “Use All the Leaves!”

Hello CCD friends,

We’re kicking of designs with the September everything kit today. Creative team member Traci will start us off with this amazing double page traveler’s notebook layout focused on leaves and that includes the wood veneer and acrylic leaves in the September kits.

“Sometimes when you design a layout, you have a vague idea in your head and then when you start working on it, it feels like it's never going to come together like you want it to, but you push through. And then like magic, everything snaps into place!”

“That's what happened with this layout when it started out with the idea that I wanted to lean heavily into all the leaf shapes in the September everything kit and mimic the leaves on the ground in my photo on the opposite side of my layout.”

“It was touch and go getting the layering just right with the veneer, acrylic, stamped AND paper leaves, but the end result is magical! Just keep pushing thorough and it will come together!”

Okay, now its your turn to show us the stories you are documenting with our latest shop release. Tag @colorcastdesigns or include our hashtag #colorcastdesigns on your social media post. If you tag us, your layout may be featured in our stories.

Happy crafting,



Recording Those Picturesque Moments


Our Wood Veneers Make Great Journal Embellishments!