Everyday Life with Andrea Lake


The year is just humming along, and we are all deep into everyday life. Spring has sprung here in the Northern hemisphere, while Fall is unfolding in the Southern part of the world. And so today, let’s challenge ourselves to document something that is unique to our everyday life in our current season. Andrea has created this lovely 12x12 design about a day in her life. She used a mix of acrylic and wood veneer items from our April kit.

“Welcome to my Everyday Life: I work office hours assisting clients all day and play with crafty supplies at night. “

“I knew that was the story I was telling the moment I opened my box and saw this title piece.”

“I added some pieces from the Wood Veneer Kit to finish embellishing the page.”

Today, we invite you to share a bit of your everyday life with us using items from our shop! Please share with us on social media by tagging @colorcastdesigns or include our hashtag #colorcastdesigns in your post and you may be featured in our IG stories.

Happy crafting,



Hello Beautiful Floral Wreath!


Big Smiles are Included in the April Everything Kit!